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Hi-Split File Crack With Full Keygen Free Download For PC (April-2022)


Hi-Split File License Key [Latest 2022] 1) Drag and drop: Select the original file, drag it to the program window and let it ask you whether you want to split it or not. If you select "Yes", the program will split the file into a set of smaller ones. The default splitting size is 1 MB or 1000 KB (whichever is smaller). In order to change the splitting size, right-click the file in the program window and select "Split in..." from the context menu. For instance, if you want to split the file into parts of 500 KB each, type 500 in the box and press OK. You can also drag a folder onto the program window and select "Split into...", which will lead to the same process of splitting. In both cases, after splitting, the original file is deleted. This is quite convenient, but you can disable it if you like. 2) File Browser: Select the file in question in the program window and click on the "Open" button. A file browser will open - you can search for the file manually or you can use the filters (by file name, file size, file type and date/time last modified) to search for the file. You can also drag and drop files into the program window. When you have found the file, click on the "Copy" button. In order to paste the file into another folder, you can right-click on the file and select "Paste" or drag and drop it onto the folder. You can perform the same operation for multiple files. Just click on "Open" for each file and then drag and drop the files into the program window. The file browser is updated dynamically, so if you copy more than one file, you can drag and drop them onto the program window. 3) Adding and deleting files: You can add files by drag and dropping them to the program window. You can delete them by clicking on the corresponding "Trash" icon. 4) Batch splitting: Batch splitting is available via right-click. Click on the "Split into..." button in order to split several files simultaneously. The default settings will work, unless you change them manually. 5) Merging files: Once you have split the file, you can easily merge the parts. There is no need for a separate tool. Just drag and drop the files back onto the original file (there will be a question mark on the file after dragging). You can split a file Hi-Split File Free Download [32|64bit] 8e68912320 Hi-Split File Crack + Full Version Split & Merge - a FREE tool which allows you to split and merge files. Data splitting: split files into smaller chunks, so that it is easier to search or transfer them to different computer systems. Data merging: merge chunks of files into one. Quick-List - the place where the list of files is located. Unlimited number of files can be split (up to 200000 files). Larger files can be split with a single click. After splitting, the original file is deleted. Splitting is supported in all versions of Windows. Batch splitting: split a large number of files at once. Splitting into equal-sized parts - the second available option. Splitting of different file types. File management. Splitting any size, not just files. Batch splitting (up to 200000 files). Easy to use. Quick View: the place where the list of files is located. Multiple locations support. Data compression: allows you to compress the files after splitting. Sort the list of files by name, size, date, type, etc. Create a batch file for merging the file after splitting. Separate merge file: allows you to change the extension of the merged file. Separate merge file - after merging, the original file is deleted. High quality splitting: you can split files of almost any size into almost any number of equal-sized parts. High quality merging: the merged file can have an extension. Splitting and merging speeds: the tool runs at the speed of 70 MBytes per second. Elimination of original files after splitting: the original file is not removed after splitting, and it can be restored by using the merge process. Advanced Options: - advanced options are available in the second tab. Data compression: you can compress the files after splitting. You can also remove a compression process after splitting. Support of large files: splitting and merging of large files is supported. Support of parallel processing: splitting and merging of large files is supported. Support of the keyboard: pressing the shift key (on Windows) allows you to change the options. Support of the mouse: pressing the right button (on Windows) allows you to change the options. Support of the Windows API: you can use the Win32 API to split and merge files. Split and merge: you can perform splitting and merging in one click. Automatically launch Splitter: What's New In Hi-Split File? System Requirements: OS: Windows 7 or later (Windows 8.1 is also supported). Windows 7 or later (Windows 8.1 is also supported). Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-3470 (3.2GHz) or later. Intel® Core™ i5-3470 (3.2GHz) or later. Memory: 2GB RAM 2GB RAM Hard Disk: 8GB available space (3GB free space for installation). 8GB available space (3GB free space for installation). Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 970 (

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